Data Strategy in Public Administration

by | Aug 7, 2023

On Thursday 27th July, MITA and the Office of the Principal Permanent Secretary launched the Data Strategy in Public Administration for the period 2023 – 2027 within MITA’s Data Centre.

The first Data Strategy in Public Administration was launched for the next four years. This strategy is a crucial element for the digital transformation of the Maltese public administration, which aspects were also witnessed in other EU Member States.

This strategy is building the digital information framework not only from a technological but also from a governance point of view through regulations, guidelines, adequate protection, effective use and interoperability of data. Thus, it will lead to the establishment, among others, of one register on individuals, organisations, data of a geospatial nature in Malta and on Government administrative data.

This strategy will lead to information in the Public Administration being more accessible, clear and in line with related laws including that of the Data Governance Act, launched recently by the European Union. This process also requires investments in digital infrastructure, knowledge, skills, and new tools also tackled through this strategy. Finally, the strategy calls for the cooperation and collaboration of all partners in the Public Administration who, through the data in their care, are giving economic and social value on a national as well as European scale.

Mr. Emanuel Darmanin, CEO of MITA, reiterated that this strategy is a significant step forward in our commitment to make the most of the potential that data puts before us and thus we can build a public administration that is increasingly facilitated by the same date.

Mr. Joseph Tedesco, Chief information Officer at the Office of the Prime Minister, spoke about how we should transform the Public Administration into one that protects and governs data in a way that gives its value. An inclusive and open administration for open data that automates and gives access to data where due and necessary with full and transparent governance. Data driven administration capable of making important decisions based on correct data.

Principal Permanent Secretary Tony Sultana stated that this data strategy will lead to more collaboration and security to improve both our principles and information governance in the public administration.


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