Emanuel Darmanin’s journey at MITA reflects a lifelong passion for technology. Starting in an era when IT was in its infancy, his fascination led him to build his first computer and eventually become the CEO of MITA.
In the future, Governments will be increasingly driven by data’ – MITA CEO Emanuel Darmanin
Emanuel Darmanin’s journey at MITA reflects a lifelong passion for technology. Starting in an era when IT was in its infancy, his fascination led him to build his first computer and eventually become the CEO of MITA.
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My experience during the Cyber Challenge
Written by Matthew James Scerri
In 2022, I had the opportunity as a 17-year-old student to be part of Team Malta at the 2022 European Cyber Security Challenge held in Vienna, Austria.
Il-Karriera tiegħi bħala Associate Software Developer fil-MITA
Bethany Vella L-esperjenza tiegħi mal-MITA bdiet f’Lulju tal-2020 meta inaqgħadt bħala studenta permezz tal-ICT Traineeship Summer Scheme, sakemm f’Lulju tal-2023 bdejt naħdem full-time bħala Associate Software Developer mat-tim tat-Taxxa fid-dipartiment...
Malta Government Network (MAGNET) Tech Refresh Project
Joseph Ryan Vella The MITA Network Engineering Services team is responsible for the design, implementation, and upkeep of the Malta Government Network which is also known as MAGNET. Each Government site is equipped with a fibre connection which is secured with...
Nesploraw Avventuri Teknoloġiċi: Vjaġġ ta’ Solutions Architect fil-MITA
Qatt ħsibt kif it-teknologija u il-computers jintużaw mill-gvern? Tajjeb, ħa ngħidlek dwar il-vjaġġ tiegħi bħala Solutions Architect fil-MITA, l-Aġenzija Maltija tal-gvern għat-Teknoloġija tal-Informatika! - Lorraine Barbara
CYBER+ALT ‘Agħżel Li Tipproteġi’ The SMEs Cybersecurity Grant Scheme is back!
Back in June 2023, MITA through its National Cybersecurity Coordination Centre for Malta (MITA-NCC), launched the SME Cybersecurity Grant Scheme, CYBER+ALT ‘Agħżel Li Tipproteġi’.
Future proofing the Mater Dei Hospital Campus network infrastructure
In a world that is increasingly relying on Information Technology, reliable and resilient network connectivity is crucial to ensure business continuity. This is especially true within large and critical environments such as hospitals, including Mater Dei Hospital (MDH) and Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre (SAMOC).