MITA’s ISO Certification Journey
Since its inception, the Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) has constantly committed itself in providing an excellent and secure service to its clients. Towards the years, MITA embraced various International Industrial Standards and Best Practices to achieve this excellence state.
Back in 1998 MITA (the then MITTS) undertook a long-term commitment to gain ISO certification towards its operations. It’s first endeavour was to achieve certification against 9001:1998 for Quality Management for part of its operations under the TickIT Scheme. Initial certification was gained in January 1999. From then, a strategic ISO certification roadmap was initiated, with a target to have the Agency’s full operations certified against ISO 9001 for Quality Management, ISO 27001 for Information Security and ISO 14001 for Environmental Management.
In 2003, the Agency achieved organisation wide certification in ISO 9001:2000 within the TickIT Scheme, and in 2013 it achieved organisation wide certification against ISO 27001:2005. In 2014 MITA managed to successfully transit its ISO certification to the new TickITplus scheme for ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 27001:2013. Finally, in 2017 MITA managed to transit to the new ISO 9001:2015 and gained its third ISO certification under ISO 14001:2015.
Additional to the above, MITA adopted two Best Practices, ITIL for Service Management and PRINCE II for Project Management, where vigorous training was provided for its Staff Members in both areas.
To sustain and ensure compliance with these Standards and Best Practices, MITA has established an Integrated Management System (IMS) through and by which it documents, implements, maintains and improves all its policies and operational processes in accordance with the requirements of the ISO standards it holds. The IMS has a direct influence on the quality and security of products and services, and the effectiveness of business processes and business performance. It also influences the commitments undertaken by the Agency aimed at attaining higher levels of environmental performance and actively promoting pollution prevention. The IMS scope covers the services and operations of its Head Office and its Tier III accredited Data Centre.
MITA has always and will continue to strive to ensure that it controls how customer requirements are processed and transformed into quality products and services with the relevant information security measures, while ensuring an environmental friendly policy which actively promotes pollution prevention and protection of the environment. Recently in January 2020, MITA was awarded the Conservation Award for Sustainable Development, awarded by the Cleaner Technology Centre, for its outstanding results reached by 2019 towards its effort in the areas of energy conservation and use of natural resources, reduced water consumption, and the use of materials which reduce adverse impacts on the environment.
To sustain this excellence state, a yearly internal compliance assessment plan is prepared and implemented to ensure compliance with the above ISO standards. In line with this, MITA is regularly audited by external ISO Certification Bodies, where successful completion of such audits signifies and confirms compliance with the ISO standards it holds.
MITA will continue to invest in its resources and improve its operations to ensure that it retains the excellence state reached. It will continuously increase its efforts in providing quality and secure services to the Maltese Government and Citizens, that sustain and promote environmental conservation.
Investors in People
MITA is an Investors in People accredited organisation. This prestigious accreditation was implemented by the UK government in 1991 after having been developed in collaboration with over a 1000 organisations and management experts to promote the most effective people management philosophies. Today ownership of the Investors in People organisation has moved to the Investors in People Community Interest Company. The standard has evolved along the years to meet current people management trends and in 2015 the 6th Generation Standard was launched.
The standard defines what it takes to lead, support and improve people management effectively to achieve sustainable results. It reflects the latest people management best practices and workplace trends that ensure employee engagement. It brings together nine criteria that are the pillars of effective people management: leading and inspiring people, living the organisation’s values and behaviours, empowering people, managing performance, recognising and rewarding high performance, structuring work, building capability, delivering continuous improvement and creating sustainable success.
MITA has been accredited as an ‘Investors In People’ organisation since 2003. The accreditation is renewed every three years. This is testimony of MITA’s commitment towards its greatest asset, its people, promulgated through its strong Leadership philosophy. MITA’s success is attributable to its excellent work environment, culture and people management practices which are directly aligned to the Investors in People standard.