Quality Management
Since its inception, the Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA) has constantly committed itself in providing an excellent and secure service to its clients. Towards the years, MITA embraced various International Industrial Standards and Best Practices to achieve this excellence state.
It’s first endeavour was to achieve certification against 9001:1998 for Quality Management for part of its operations under the TickIT Scheme. Initial certification was gained in January 1999. From then, a strategic ISO certification roadmap was initiated, with a target to have the Agency’s full operations certified against ISO 9001 for Quality Management, ISO 27001 for Information Security and ISO 14001 for Environmental Management.
In 2003, the Agency achieved organisation wide certification in ISO 9001:2000 within the TickIT Scheme, and in 2013 it achieved organisation wide certification against ISO 27001:2005. In 2014 MITA managed to successfully transit its ISO certification to the new TickITplus scheme for ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 27001:2013. Finally, in 2017 MITA managed to transit to the new ISO 9001:2015 and gained its third ISO certification under ISO 14001:2015.
Additional to the above, MITA adopted two Best Practices, ITIL for Service Management and PRINCE II for Project Management, where vigorous training was provided for its Staff Members in both areas