MITA is obliged to comply with Public Procurement Regulations. The Regulations safeguard stakeholders’ interests, based on the principles of non-discrimination, transparency and equal treatment. At a corporate level, the Agency makes sure that these principles apply across all procurement activities. This includes the gathering of information on the products and services available on the market, the preparation and publication of tenders and contract monitoring. MITA fulfills its legal obligations effectively in respect of relevant national and EU-related legislation. It adds value to the public sector at large through its legal knowledge and competences, particularly in the fields of procurement and IT. As a central purchasing body, MITA setup and administered framework agreements and Dynamic Purchasing Systems that allow harmonisation of requirements, aggregation of sourcing, simplification of procedures, and achievement of better value-for-money for other Government Contracting Authorities.
The management of suppliers by MITA is essential to the provision of seamless quality IT solutions and services. It ensures that suppliers, and the services they provide, are managed and aligned with business expectations. Supplier Management processes and planning are involved in all stages of the Service Lifecycle, from strategy and design, through transition and operation, to improvement, with the aim of obtaining good value for money from suppliers, and to ensure that all contracts and agreements align with business needs. The support services they provide are underpinned with agreed targets in their Contracts and Service Level Agreements and performance is reviewed and managed regularly.

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