Emanuel Darmanin’s journey at MITA reflects a lifelong passion for technology. Starting in an era when IT was in its infancy, his fascination led him to build his first computer and eventually become the CEO of MITA.

In the future, Governments will be increasingly driven by data’ – MITA CEO Emanuel Darmanin
Emanuel Darmanin’s journey at MITA reflects a lifelong passion for technology. Starting in an era when IT was in its infancy, his fascination led him to build his first computer and eventually become the CEO of MITA.
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eIDAS 2.0
Written by Adrian Camilleri
The current eIDAS Regulation came into force in 2016 with the objective of achieving something unthinkable at the time, that is the cross-border interoperability of the electronic identity schemes of European Member States, and to provide a solid framework for the harmonisation of Qualified Electronic Signatures.
Our Digital Identity in a ‘Wallet’- The Proposed Amendments to the eIDAS Regulation
Written by Danielle Mercieca
In an effort to continue building on the European Council and Commission’s mandate to provide an EU framework for public electronic identities, the Commission undertook a review of the eIDAS regulation resulting in a proposal to amend the current regulation.