We have the expertise, experience, capacity and willingness to continue to be Government’s prime consultant where it comes to digital technologies, whether this relates to policy direction, enterprise architecture, and design, implementation and support of secure digital solutions.

MITA keeps abreast of international and industry norms, and of the evolving local priorities and needs, to assist Government in establishing a vision for the application of digital technologies within the Public Administration.  The Agency serves as the eyes and ears on cyber-related matters, on the operations of government’s digital shared infrastructure and on business-critical information systems.  It takes the necessary measures to proactively prevent problems how occurring, risks from materializing and then, when issues do occur, to assist in taking the necessary corrective measures to heal the situation in the least time possible. 

MITA partners with the relevant stakeholders to equip human resources (internal and where appropriate external to government) with the appropriate technical knowledge, skills and other supporting measures relating to the digital ecosystem

Through its experience, expertise, ongoing investment (in resources, technologies and systems) and by embracing its corporate drivers of leadership, transformation, innovation and governance, MITA continues to support the Public Administration with its digital transformation. 

MITA sits side-by-side with Malta’s digital policy makers.  The Agency provides secure digital services and solutions to government and implements shared platforms which promote key principles such as One-Government, Once-only and economies of scale. 


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