About Us


Tony Sultana joined the public service in 1986 with the then Government Computer Centre. Tony was pioneer in the strategic use of information technology in the Public Sector, where he was entrusted to design and foresee the implement of major Government solutions.
Tony’s role was influential in the implementation of the taxation reform and managed the introduction of the Final Settlement System. He was entrusted also to lead the Euro – IT Taskforce, having the responsibility to coordinate the information systems euro changeover, as well as the overall programme management responsibility for the business transformation in the Utilities sector, through the implementation of the Integrated Utilities Business Systems.
After holding various senior management positions within MITA, Tony was appointed Principal Permanent Secretary in 2022 while retaining his role as MITA Chairman. During his tenure, he focused on strengthening and modernising the Government digital ICT landscape, prioritising cyber security.
Tony has a strong technical background in industrial electronics, computer aided manufacturing and government information systems through specialised programmes in Singapore and Japan. He holds a degree in Mathematics and Computing from the University of Malta and a Master of Science in Management from Anglia University.

Joseph Agius

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer
Emanuel Darmanin joined MITA in 1994 and since then he has occupied various senior management positions including that of Chief Information Officer.
Over the years he had responsibilities for ICT Governance, Service Management, Information Security and Risk Management, Contracting and Supplier Management, and Project Management.
Previous to joining MITA he worked in the public sector and the private sector, enjoying work experiences both locally and abroad.
He graduated as an Electrical Engineer from the University of Malta in 1989. In 2000, he gained an MBA from Henley Management College, UK and in 2006 an MA in Creativity and Innovation from the University of Malta.

Chief Financial Officer
Finance & Contracts

Head of Department
Service Management

Head of Department
eGovernment Services

Digital Enabling Services

Chief Information Security Officer

Head of Department
Infrastructure Services

Executive Office

Head of Department
Facilities Management

Head of Department
Programme Management

Keith Aquilina
Chief Technology Officer